Any request for a refund for a current registration must be submitted to stating the reason(s). The maximum refund allowable wil be no more than 90% . IF a refund is approved, provided uniforms, soccer balls and all other materials provided by Brookside must be returned within one week before monies are released. NO refund will be approved once rosters are posted for league play. League fees are Non Transferable and may be revoked at any time. Unauthorized use results in an automatic loss of league membership privileges.
If you have problems registering, please email us at
The registration fee provides each child with a fun, safe and fair soccer experience. As part of that experience, each player receives a uniform they will keep, and they will play an 8-game season (6-game season for the Pre-K/Kindergarten divisions). Pre-K/K players also receive a soccer ball as part of their registration fee.
ā Regular fee: Our normal player fee, available when registration opens prior to the late fee timeframe.
ā Late fee: An additional $20 fee will be added to a player's registration during our late registration timeframe prior to registration closing.
All registration fees includes player insurance and uniforms, background checks for coaches, referee pay, field prep and marketing. Since the formation or our recreational league, we have only had volunteer coaches, providing a great benefit for our organization! We also have a safety program required for ALL coaches (head coaches and assistants). All Sporting Brookside coaches must successfully complete a background check to participate in ANY Sporting Brookside activity.
We close the registration system several weeks before the season begins to aid staff in finalizing rosters and generating schedules. We do not accept registrations after the official closing date.
Visa and MasterCard are accepted through online registration. A mandatory 3% credit card fee is added to every online transaction.
All credit card transactions are encrypted and stored on secure servers. Sporting Brookside does not share, sell or lease your personal information. We may send you communications about your registration and league events.
Divisions are determined by the grade level of your child during the session they will play. For example, if your daughter will be in second grade in the upcoming fall session, choose “2nd Grade Girls” when you register.
Soccer leagues generally refer to divisions by age and list the “Under X” division name as well as a reference. Age-based divisions generally follow grade level because the birthday cut-off date is similar those used by most schools. We show the grade(s) generally corresponding to each Under (“U”) division in the table below.
Division > Grade
U19 > High School
U14 > 8th
U13 > 7th
U12 > 6th
U11 > 5th
U10 > 4th
U9 > 3rd
U8 > 2nd
U7 > 1st
U6 > K
U5 > Pre-K
What happened to the age-based divisions (U6,U7,U8 etc.)?
Age-based divisions work well for keeping teams even, but cause problems when kids can’t play with classmates. Switching to grade level classifications should also eliminate some confusion which tends to cause last-minute shuffling of players. The grade level classifications help simplify the team-building process for our division coordinators.
You do not need to pick a team or know a coach. If you like, when you register you may indicate your child’s school, a preferred coach or a classmate your child would like to join on a team, and we’ll make an effort to place him or her on a team with classmates.
No previous knowledge or experience is needed. Sporting Brookside prides its self on teaching soccer in a fun and safe environment. We make every effort to place all players on a team with kids of a variety of skill and athletic ability. It’s also part of our requirements that every child receives equal playing time – it’s the best way to learn!
All games are played at Swope Park Soccer Village in KCMO. The fields are shared with Sporting KC’s practice facility at 63rd and Lewis Road. You may see the map by clicking link below.
Call our rain-out line at (816) KICK-400 or (816) 542-5400 if weather seems to be a concern. We encourage you to register with the rain-out service for active text updates. Rescheduling decisions will be determined by the league.
Game schedules will be distributed to families that are registered and posted on our website. Families are encouraged to import their schdeule(s) from their registration account once posted to ensure the most up to date game details.
Your coach will do their best to schedule a practice on a day/time and at a location that is convenient to the team as a whole. You should hear from your coach at least a week prior to the start of the season. If, for whatever reason, you have not and the season is approaching, please contact
Please note that in order to more closely align Sporting Brookside Soccer Club with the United States Soccer Federation and SAY Soccer guidelines, some playing formats have been adjusted and should be noted.
High School
Game Format: Two, 35min halves
Game Length: 70 minutes
Field Size: 40x75
Ball Size: 5
Number of Players: 8v8
Goalkeeper: Yes
Min. Roster Size: 12
Rec. Max. Roster Size: 16
7th & 8th Grades
Game Format: Two, 35min halves
Game Length: 70 minutes
Field Size: 40x75
Ball Size: 5
Number of Players: 9v9
Goalkeeper: Yes
Rec. Max Roster Size: 18
5th & 6th Grades
Game Format: Two, 30min halves
Game Length: 60 minutes
Field Size: 40x75
Ball Size 4
Number of Players: 9v9
Goalkeeper: Yes
Max Roster Size: 16
4th Grade
Game Format: Two, 25min halves
Game Length: 50 minutes
Field Size: 40x75
Ball Size: 4
Number of Players: 7v7
Goalkeeper: Yes
Max Roster Size: 12
3rd Grade
Game Format: Two, 25min halves
Game Length: 50 minutes
Field Size: 40x75
Ball Size: 4
Number of Players: 7v7
Goalkeeper: Yes
Max Roster Size: 12
2nd Grade
Game Format: Four, 10min quarters (2 minute breaks)
Game Length: 50 minutes
Field Size: 25x40
Ball Size: 3
Number of Players: 4v4
Goalkeeper: No
Roster Size: 8-10
1st Grade
Game Format: Four, 10-min quarters (2 minute breaks)
Game Length: 50 minutes
Field Size: 25x40
Ball Size: 3
Number of Players: 4v4
Goalkeeper: No
Max Roster Size: 8-10
PreK & K
Game Format: 25 minutes of practice + a 25 minute game
Game Length: 50 minutes + a 5min halftime
Field Size: 20x30
Ball Size: 3
Number of Players: 3v3
Goalkeeper: No
Roster Size: 6-8
Please take a moment to review all of the information below, as it pertains to EVERYONE involved in our league.
• Temperatures — please plan accordingly by wearing appropriate attire; layers in cooler weather are suggested. Coaches: Water breaks are necessary in both warm and cooler conditions.
• Sunscreen, water and an umbrella are highly recommended in all conditions.
• Please pick up any trash after the game — we want to respect our space and keep the new facility looking new.
• Uniforms — Parents should contact their child's coach regarding uniforms. All teams in 1st Grade and older will receive new uniforms (jersey, socks, shorts). Pre-K and Kindergarten division players receive a jersey and size 3 soccer ball. ONLY coaches may retrieve equipment at Swope. New uniforms are given in the fall and reused again in the spring.
• Rainouts — Information will be posted on website when games are cancelled. Also call our rainout line at 816.542.5400 and check our Facebook/Twitter pages for updates. Unlike previous seasons, teams will play in rain and when the field is wet. Play will be halted when lightening is within close proximity to Swope Park. Rainout games will not be rescheduled.
• Schedules — Please double check your player(s) schedule(s) as they could change from time to time.
• Game Start Times — Games will begin on time; please arrive early in order to warm up.
• Time Management — Please allow extra time to get to your scheduled field (especially these first few weeks) while everyone adjusts to the parking situation, field locations and congestion.
• Concessions will be open at the two concession areas (one adjacent to Field 1 and the second on the west of Lewis Road near the Sporting KC training offices). There are also two drink vending machines.
• First Aid is located in two areas: Children’s Mercy Center for Sports Medicine staff will be on site during league play at the white tent at the northeast end of Field 2. Staff can be seen driving around the village in Brookside Soccer’s golf cart.
• Goal Posts & Nets. Please keep players and other children from climbing or otherwise playing on the goals, as this is very expensive equipment.
• Visit field locations under recreational for a map of Swope and other important information on the upcoming season.
• Lost & Found — Please turn in any lost/unclaimed items to Sporting Brookside’s Field Monitor, Brian McDonald who can be found at our referee tent next to field 3. For retrieval on days after items are lost, please send an email to
• NO FOOD ON FIELDS — No exceptions. Snacks are to be served on the concrete or natural grass areas surrounding the fields. Picnic tables are set up outside the concession stand for your convenience.
• No PETS inside the Swope Soccer Park facility gates (unless they are registered service animals. Please leave pets at home (not locked inside parked cars).
• No Alcohol is allowed in Kansas City, MO city parks. Anyone caught with alcohol will be asked to leave the premises and is subject to fines.
• Orange Cones in Parking Lots. If an orange cone is blocking a parking spot in one of the parking lots at Swope Soccer Village, it is there for a reason. Please find another place to park and do not remove the cone in order to park. Your car will be towed.
• WATCH OUT! Soccer balls move much faster on the turf fields, so be alert at all times.
Teams: Teams are coed and must have at least 1 female on the field at all times. If there is not a female playing, the team will play with one less player on the field. Teams must have a minimum of 12 players. Team schedules are created approximately two weeks prior to the start of the season, and it will be communicated to all the players and coaches at that time. The number of teams varies by season, however we typically have between 8 and 14 high school division teams.
Players: Each player registers individually and should indicate the coach’s name and/or teammates names in registration process. The teams will be assembled based on the name of the coach a player indicates during registration.
Coaches: If the intended coach is the parent of a player, that person should sign up as a coaching volunteer during their child’s registration. All other intended coaches should contact Nick Garcia, at
[Note: To be eligible ALL volunteer coaches must successfully complete annual background checks and complete the SafeSport training. An approved adult coach MUST be in attendance at each game.]
Our Pre-K & Kindergarten divisions require each player to be registered via the Sporting Brookside registration portal. Click on "Log In/Register" in the upper right-hand corner of our website at Each player registers individually. Players are typically placed according to the following criteria: school the player attends, requested coach, requested teammates.
Play 3 v 3 games (some coaches will play 4 v 4 to keep the kids engaged).
Equipment: New equipment is issued each fall season and includes a reversible jersey and Size 3 soccer ball. Parents will supply shorts, soccer socks and shin guards. Shin guards are required, but cleats are not. Equipment provided each fall by Sporting Brookside is to be used again for the spring season. If replacement equipment is needed, it can be purchased from us for $15 per ball or $15 per jersey. Coaches will distribute all new equipment; parents may not pick up individual jerseys or balls.
The Pre-K/K divisions play a 6-week season and games are always on Saturdays. The scheduled hour includes a 30-minute practice and 30-minute game. There is no scorekeeping or goalie.
Other details:
Max roster size of 6-8
6-week season, see our Recreational Calendar for season dates
Teams are parent- and volunteer-coach based
ALL volunteer coaches MUST successfully complete a free background check each calendar year and be cleared through our outside vendor before being assigned as a coach. See Link Below.
In order to ensure all divisions follow Sporting Brookside's core values, we create and balance teams in every division. As per the club's mission and within the registration system, 1st - 8th grade are single sex divisions and Pre-K, K and High School division are coed. There are no exceptions to this rule.
New uniforms are distributed each Fall season. The same uniform is used in the Spring season. Uniforms for players in the 1st Grade divisions and higher include a jersey, shorts and socks. Uniforms for players in the Pre-K and Kindergarten divisions include a reversible jersey and a size-3 soccer ball. ONLY COACHES will be able to pick up and distribute gear and balls. Any change in size and/or color for any reason must go through the coaches and they will in turn reach out to our uniform coordinator. It is the responsibility of families to purchase replacement Pre-K/K soccer balls if a player misplaces or loses their ball, unless the ball was defective upon distribution. Most sporting goods stores and department stores carry soccer balls appropriate for your child's division.
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